Some couple asked us what they should consider during the stage to choose a date ? and Here is the summary that they need to consider for the wedding date.

Weekday weddings are becoming increasingly popular, mainly due to their uniqueness and ability to stand out from the crowd. Choosing a weekday for your wedding can add a touch of excitement and surprise for both you and your guests. Well from a budget wise, weekdays often offer more availability and flexibility when it comes to booking venues and vendors cause mostly popular wedding venues tend to have higher demand on weekends, making it challenging to secure your desired date. By opting for a weekday wedding, you may have a wider range of options to choose from, potentially unlocking access to venues and vendors that might have been out of reach on weekends. Additionally, some venues and vendors offer discounts or special packages for weekday events, helping you save some money while maintaining a high-quality experience. From a guest side, this is much easier for them to attend your wedding especially if your guest are mostly who work traditional Monday-to-Friday jobs.

Weekend weddings offer convenience to guests who have busy schedules during the workweek. Most people are accustomed to having weekends off, allowing them to attend your wedding without taking time off work or dealing with scheduling conflicts. Choosing a Saturday or Sunday wedding increases the likelihood of having a higher guest turnout, ensuring that your loved ones can share this joyous occasion with you. On the other hand weekend weddings often involve more than just the wedding day itself. They provide an opportunity for additional festivities, such as welcome parties, rehearsal dinners, and post-wedding brunches. This extended celebration allows for more time to connect with your guests and create lasting memories together. It also provides an opportunity for out-of-town guests to explore the wedding location and enjoy a mini-vacation.